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January 2008 February 2008 April 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 January 2009

style before power

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

im back to blogging. finally. but im kinda wondering who is gonna actually read my blog. will it be you? or you over there? or you in the black swim suit? or that elephant eating a pineapple? i wonder...

well, anyways, hope i actually have an audience. so be nice. or eat pudding.

err so what took me so long to post again after my death call 7342710937593982050230minutes ago? well, i was like busy with exams and stuffs. normal people should know that by now.

so anyways, i've been getting complains bout my type of fonts and its size from grand total of 0 people. nothing about the colour though. so i was wondering whether i should change it or improve it. if you think so, email me, text me, call me *wink*, fax me, mail me and/or any other way you can tell me before you stop reading this post. thanks a whole damned lot. cuz i really need people to read my blog, if not its quite useless. yea..

so i just realised my paragraphs have been getting shorter. no idea why. eat some pie. go and die. dont be shy.

okay. the thing bout the last post is still up. but i kinda have lesser money now. oh well...

oh damn that was a freaking short paragraph. maybe i should join up everything. what do you think?

i was really planning to make this post freaking long and i should have posted it ytd. darn it. and somehow, i've got nothing to say. maybe i'll make this my ADD post. so i can write lotsa crap so this post wun be so darn short.

lets go. okay so exams were just over *kstch* kinda sucked thoughout over *kstch* but i dont care that much anymore over *kstch* just dont retain and i'll be okay over *kstch* and this paragraph is over *kstch*

sorry about the super lame walkie talkie talk on top. just saw the 'over' in the first sentence and thought of doing it. damn i am lame. so anyways, i was watching a snippet from family guy which is funny. its about the walkie talkie thing. here you go: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJCfUm21BsI yea. theres another one not about walkie talkie which is this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNkp4QF3we8

okay. so if you actually went to those links, then you'd have seen the user posting those vids. so check that dude out. its 'huluDotCom'. has lots of tiny snippets from funny shows. and if you're in america, you can go to the actual website: www.hulu.com cuz they have free airing of tv shows, movies etc. and its legal. so that cool. but they only have it in america. damn.

so have you ever realised how that website's name seems like hulahoop? i mean someway it does right? so i saw in the papers this hulahoop competition which i think that im gonna join cuz theres a cash price of $35. easy money. cuz nobody will actually go so i'd probably be the only one there and so i'll win. oh yeaa....

hah. yea right. who the hell would go to a hulahoop competition? well, little girls would. and im damn sure im not one. so anyways, the thing is that in the papers i saw a old dude using strings connect wooden balls and flinging them over his body like a freaking hulahoop. i guess that guys just showing off to the easily amused tourists from timbaktu. what a showoff. i bet i can do that too. okay maybe i cant. but i DONT CARE.

eh but why the hell is it called a HULAHOOP? i mean i get the hoop part but the hula? what the hell does that even mean?! okay i just checked the dictionary and guessed what, there really is a freaking word 'hula'. what the hell. and it means: 'Polynesian women's dance'. so it is for girls. but i dont think any of us are in the country Poly are we? yea i didnt think so. so, why are we learning it in primary school? is Singapore actually the lost country Poly. so they're secretly teaching us our own culture. and all the stuff that they wrote in our history and social studies textbooks are all untrue. and that polytechnics are places where they hypnotize us and brainwash us. cuz they want us Singaporeans, or should i say Polynesians, to not know about our true identities and past because we are actually an elite race created to rule over the evil space planet Lastropherious which is inhabited by evil space aliens which look like half eaten banana combines together with a venus fly trap to create the Lastropheriousians. and does this mean we are in fact ruled by this Lastropheriousians.

oh no... i bet everyone is trembling in fear now. well, those who are, you guys are LOSERS!! who the hell would believe that?! dumbass.

well, talking about Poly. have you guys ever heard of the really cool show Roly Poly Olie? yea its this place called Polieville where robots live. and they have many adventures together etc etc. like how all playhouse disney shows are. and the characters are:
Olie Polie - A round-shaped robot boy on which the story revolves. He is very friendly, inquisitive, and loves his family and friends. He often wishes that he was an adult, and is a very typical kid.
Zowie Polie - Olie's younger sister. Very inquisitive (in one episode she annoyed her parents by asking "Why?" about everything imaginable) and loud, she is probably a toddler. She loves her brother Olie and enjoys emulating him, sometimes to Olie's chagrin.
Spot - Olie's faithful dog. So named because he left a "spot" on the carpet as a puppy. (Noted in the episode where zowie kept asking "why?")
Pappy Polie - Olie's grandfather. He runs a farm by himself and is best-known for his unruly dentures.
Aunt Poliana - Olie's Grandfather's sister. She returns from her trip though space after being tossed off of Pappy's boat and lost in space for a few years.
Mrs. Polie - Olie's mother. Somewhat ditzy and resembles Olive Oyl to a degree.
Percey Polie - Olie's father and Bing Crosby sound-alike. He is an inventor, similar to G2 Droid from Star Tours, whose various inventions frequently get him and the familiy into trouble.
Uncle Gizmo Polie - An Elvis Presley look- and sound-alike, he is Percy's brother and Olie's and Zowie's uncle. The two have a generally close relationship but occasionally engage in sibling rivalry.
Billy Bevell - A square shaped boy who lives next door and is best friends with Olie. Is originally from the planet Cuby.
Baxter Bevell - Billy's dad, he wears glasses and talks like a beatnik. He also has a surprisingly deep laugh considering his voice is somewhat high-pitched.
Bonita Jaquita Bevell - Billy's mom. Is an accomplished dancer and acts similar to her husband.
Binky Bevell - Billy's younger brother, who is a little baby. His head spins when his belly button is pressed in.
Space Boy - A super-hero and star of Olie's favorite TV show. Along with his companion Space Dog, he frequently saves the universe from various threats on his show, and occasionally appears to help Olie out. He and Space Dog resemble Olie and Spot themselves.
Klinky Klaus - The show's equivalent of Santa Claus, he lives on his own planet, Chillsville.
Big Gene Little Green and Little Gene Little Green - Two very tiny aliens from the Little Green Planet who accidentally crash-land on Polieville and befriend Olie and his family. They reappear when Olie and Percy visit their planet, only to find it much too small for their comfort.
Mrs. Triangle - the town's teacher.
Pollie Pie - A female classmate of Olie and Billy, with red hair and a triangle-shaped body (albeit with a round head).
Screwy - A new kid in town, specifically being a lugnut. In his early appearances he acts as a bully towards Olie and friends; in one episode, Olie is actually driven to punch him. However, Screwy quickly becomes a member of the gang.
Chunk Squarey - A pop musician, who like the Bevells is from Cuby. His dance, the Twirl, is a major hit around the galaxy. He is apparently friends with the Bevells and befriends the Polies as well.
Wheely - An older kid with a wheel instead of legs, he is very athletic and acts as a sort of mentor towards Olie and Billy.
Gloomius Maximus - An evil space pirate that extracts fun from the galaxy, this was all changed when Zowie got his "happy gear" going again.

well yea. so if you actually read the whole thing, there was this one guy called 'Screwy'. hes a bully who in the end becomes friends with Olie and Billy and hes called a lugnut(?). but the thing is... what a name. Screwy. screw him. lol. okay that is all.

so anyways, i checked up what a 'lugnut' is. and i found out that he is actually a character in Transformers. lol! hes a Decepticon. meaning hes a bad guy. anws, hes apparently in love with the leader of the Decepticons, Megatron, which is kinda gay. wth. so talking about Transformers, Shia LaBeouf was like interviewed by TODAY and.... i got nothing else to say. oh wells, but anyways, i want to watch Eagle Eye even though some people dont think it is nice. so, anybody want to watch? anyways, theres gonna be a sequel for Transformers. hope its better than last time.

so anyways, in Transformers, theres this guy called Starscreams who apparently screams whenever he sees shooting stars. lol. okay no. thats not true. but my point is that... i suddenly thought of the Powerpuff Girls episode i watched at 5am this morning. so, this episode is named 'meet the beat-alls'. this is where MojoJojo, Him, Princess and Fuzzy Lumkins join together to become 'The Beat-alls', which is suppose to be the Beatles. so anyways, they are like able to destroy PPG. so now PPG are useless, and the Beat-alls own Townsville. PPG then decide to break them up so that they wun be so strong, so they send a trained monkey from the zoo to attract MojoJojo's attention. the monkey makes the Beat-alls do stupid stuff. so the rest dun like her. so left Him, Princess and Fuzzy Lumkins. then they all together de power not strong enuf to defeat PPG. so the end. MojoJojo also kena caught. so once again, the day is saved, thanks to the PPG.

but why did i think of it? cuz the monkey keep screaming. yea... oh well... that seems to be damn far off. but oh well... so i was thinking... how many villians are there in PPG? so i when to check it up. there are.... i have no idea. cuz i sidetracked. eh eh eh. i freaking found out that cartoon network setting up a multiplayer online game with a 3D version of its characters. thats freaking cool. but i scared only can play in america. damn...

okay. im getting bored of posting. the end.

bboy BY