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January 2008 February 2008 April 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 January 2009

style before power

Thursday, January 31, 2008

hey yo. hmmm.
its the last day of the 1st month in sch and the 22nd day we've been in school. and since i aint going school tml, i have all the time in the world to type out this posts. and, obviously, im gonna post bout the 1st month. yea. so here goes..

okay. so fortunately, i kept this notebook which is like for me to write down all the crap in sch.
so. day1 was nth.. -.-
day2. files files files. boring crap. but me and vic figure out the sitting arrangement even though we dont know everybody's name. lol.
day3. cca orientation. hmmmm. more files. din have english(: and went up on stage in front of whole sec3 cuz of boon. lame.
day4. lessons start. zzzs. me and vic conclude that mrslim=grandma in tweety bird and that her voice is creepy :P i get caught for my hair by jy and hafizah. din cut and guess what happened the nxt day...
day5. get caught for my hair again. but this time by prison break. oops. lol. went on stage. csj say my hair bu nan bu nu -.- went to cut with kl. lol. but as u can see its only been 2days since i went up to stage(boon sabo). yepyep. not bad eh. xD 1st 5days and this is what i get. LOL me and vic collect class fund for 1st time. and i finally managedd to finish my eng hols hmwk. what a fun 5th day eh. xD

day6. my hair guo guan. me and vic continue being lame by ourselves. class aint bonding yet. zzzs.
day7. 1st common test. chinese. lame. how obvious the result would be. i screw it AND the diagnostic test. zzzs. me and qin go to tm to buy stuff. bought del's and lihui's presents and a wallet for myself(:
day8. wenjie's bday. 1st pillar of the year was cancelled due to lack of manpower): me and vic lookin forward to nxt day's 2D outing. and nxt day is del's bday too (: nxt day's 2D outing was too darn fun(read 12jan post)
day9. hafizah complain class last few class to sit down. nobody really gives a crap :P
day10. viens and audrey din come. *hint* vic want to sit nxt to weiting *hint* xDD kidding kidding.

day11. zzzs.
day12. 2D breakfast. LOL but it aint that unsuccesful la. more than 10 peeps turn up(: lols. we thought we would be late but we werent. xD i missing 2D even more.. )':
day13. zzzs.
day14. clement's bday. sang bday song to him after chem lesson with the help of hafizah. zzzs day...
day15. half a month in school le. junsheng makes fun of shuhao xDD i have to go see doctor cuz of my really bad sorethroat and cuz im gonna song lead that sunday(: turns out is maybe cuz of me beatboxing. LOL

day16. my own small words day xPP lols. everything is so small. lazy read. xD and o yea. class blog up. (:
day17. eng test. today is opposite day. xDD and so the date is 801042. LOL and its 71yad. heh.
day18. lame. zzzs.
day19. no homework. lol. not bad eh this day. lols.
day20. emaths test and ss test. pissed with myself for emaths. zzzs. but SEL was fun fun fun. and from this week, i can infer that shuhao is a 2timing kevin. xPP not gonna say the 3rd party. hehs. and i FINALLY make the class laugh. zzzs. pok pok. i really really need to sit behind la. somehow i cant joke unless i can see most of the class like SEL lesson i turn my table to face the class rite? yepyep. weird but true):

day21. yesterday. geog test. zzzs. a bit pekcek. scared my handwriting make me lose marks. lols.
day22. TODAY. the 'boy who got b3 instead of an a1 or a2 bcuz of his handwriting' is ME. lols. seriously. want to see my lit ppr? lol. cant read de. hahas. too bad le lorr. must improve lorr. lols.

OKays. summary of jan in sch. lols. hmmm. actually 3B's getting better i guess. bonding a lil but more.

BUT problem. even though viens and chewshian were working together for the notice board, to me, there a like cliques in the girls le? just what i think lorr. like audrey, kelyn, jerlyn, chewshian and peiying one clique. then the rest of pairs de. viens and weiting. anna and lixuan. esther and minghui. siying and jeewah. yepyep.
its true unfortunately. so yep... can improve lorr (:

guys ar. hmmm. its like the center is YINSOON and i guess a bit of junsheng then thats how the guys are all linked. lols.
cuz like to me is like the sports class guys, the non sports class guys, kevin and shuhao together gaying. so yinsoon is like centre of attraction. LOL then cuz junsheng always say yinsoon this yinsoon that then... yea. lols. but its according to what i see lorr. yepyep. dunno whether its true a not. yea.

just hope that everybody becomes everybody's fren by end of term 1. yepyep. k? thats 3B's goal to me. lol. yepyep.

okays. 2 more tests before CNY. amaths and chem. zzzs. but theres probably gonna be a 2D outing again on wednesday. so looking foreward to that. yepyep.
kkz. nth else le bahs. peace

bboy BY

Monday, January 28, 2008

so its been 5days since my last post eh.
more consistent le. wootz. hmmm. but also i got some stuff to post bout plus i also just posted on class blog. yea. so hmmm. got this from clement's blog: what my name supposedly means. yepyep. in fact its rather true. yea. other than some parts. lol. here goes..

***What Benedict Yeo Means***
You are full of energy. You are spirited and boisterous.You are bold and daring. You are willing to do some pretty outrageous things.Your high energy sometimes gets you in trouble. You can have a pretty bad temper at times.
You are friendly, charming, and warm. You get along with almost everyone.You work hard not to rock the boat. Your easy going attitude brings people together.At times, you can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, you pull it together.
You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people.You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts.You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals.

You are balanced, orderly, and organized. You like your ducks in a row.You are powerful and competent, especially in the workplace.People can see you as stubborn and headstrong. You definitely have a dominant personality.
You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing.You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long.You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start.
You are very open. You communicate well, and you connect with other people easily.You are a naturally creative person. Ideas just flow from your mind.A true chameleon, you are many things at different points in your life. You are very adaptable.
You are a seeker. You often find yourself restless - and you have a lot of questions about life.You tend to travel often, to fairly random locations. You're most comfortable when you're far away from home.You are quite passionate and easily tempted. Your impulses sometimes get you into trouble.
You are a free spirit, and you resent anyone who tries to fence you in.You are unpredictable, adventurous, and always a little surprising.You may miss out by not settling down, but you're too busy having fun to care.

You are well rounded, with a complete perspective on life.You are solid and dependable. You are loyal, and people can count on you.At times, you can be a bit too serious. You tend to put too much pressure on yourself.

yepyep. thats about it. hmmm. 'You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people.' this part not so true. lol. and 'You are powerful and competent, especially in the workplace.' yea. this part also not true. lols. hmmmm.

another thing. posted in 3B blog. but anyway, here it is. 2 pics from today in 3B. got back the chem WS 1 which cher marked. then since i was playing a fool with the WS this is what i got. LOL

the reasons why i almost failed that WS lol. xD

1st page of the WS. LOL xD
okay. hafizah soo does not have humour. xP hmmm. this week got 3 tests coming up seh: emaths, SS and geog. tml got 2: emaths and SS. then wednesday got geog lorr. yepyep. and 3B still aint bonding. zzzs. pekcek. but maybe slightly better. i seriously seriously hope that 3B gonna bond more than 2D cuz we're gonna be together for 2 years leh. so yea. must bond!! im screaming this to everybody from 3B bahs. (:
so.. tml get to watch the crappy and funny and lame cartoon 'hoodwinked'. lol. stupid goat so friggin LAME can. lols. hmmm. yea. kkz. til my nxt post.

bboy BY

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

So i really am super inconsistent with my blogging eh. Oops.. Zzzs. 11 days ago eh. Dots.

Hmmm. So, okay. 3B aint that bad but still, 2D's better :P hmmm. O yea. Realise smth man. 1C'o6 gave me bros fer life and 2D'o7 gave me memories fer life. Yepyep. Kinda true...to a certain extend. Lol. Like, hmmm, 1C had MC, Deon, Qin, YanHao etc. Yea. And last year owned with events la. Yepyep. But maybe, just maybe, im too emo le. ((: Lols.
But also like quite pekcek leh. I mean, not many peeps come here even though i say loud loud on my msn that i updated. Zzzs. Hmmms.
Like not sure what to say seh. Lols. From 12jan til now nuth much really happened. Hmmm. O yea. If anyone want to but bag, tell me. Cuz me, Jave, Qin and Vic all wan but bag. So wan then go together buy lorr. Yea.

So, 3B's got a blog. www.boonaanaa.blogspot.com go if u wan. Hmmm. Yea. 3B really really reeeeaallly must bond. And must more enthu mahs. Anyhow zi high better than everyday go sch sian sian wad. LOL To me, everybody is like okay luh(other than S**H** and K**** :P). Quite nice peeps. But nobody taking intiative to talk to other peeps. All in their own cliques. ZZzzss...
Cliques. Irritating crap. Spoiling everything seh. Kena too much clique problem in one hols le bahs. Pok. The cliques quite obvious le bahs. Gals esp. Since got so little gals. Lols.
Anyways, in the end, just BOND by TAKING INTIATIVE((: k?

Hehs. So, hmmm, i changed back to this super cool black blogskin. Lols. Little outdated since i've used it fer months. Lols. Later go edit. Hmmm.
Lets see... I know most of us hate physics but hey, this physics is different yo. This is bboy Physicx. (: OKay i know i know. LAME LAME LAME. Lols. Okok. Anyways, main highlight - speed freezes. Its name says everything. Freezes very fast. Hmmm. Its just freezes after freezes after freezes continuously but super fast. Yea. Coolest seh. Go if u are bored. (:
So, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2tJbkPZ9W8.


bboy BY

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Splits improves bonds

Hey yo!
So i decided to blog again after today's 2D'o7 class outing. Cuz like wanted to have somewhere to sort of like express whatever i feel lorr. So, mainly this blog will be like feeling lor. Not journal/diary. But will say super roughly what happen lor. Yea.
And o yeah. if you're wondering why this is the 1st post in this blog, cuz i keeping this url cuz im nice so i wun make everybody change their links. So last time de posts are now in a different blog - www.benyeo2007memories.blogspot.com. Yea.

So anyways, I just realised that its only after 2D splits up that we realise how much 2D'o7 really rocks la! Like I told Shelley, now in 3B darn sian cuz now only got me and Victor then we only can zi high to each other but last time like can zi high to the whole class. Lols.
Then also like last time was every single thing also can have something funny/lame/crappy then the whole class will laugh laugh laugh. But now leh.. Not so leh.. Other then the super occasional "Yin Soon!!" from JunSheng. Yea.
And, seems unbeileveable, but I kinda miss Ms Ng. Lols. I mean cuz like was fun to have her as cher la. Like everyday Qin or me or ShenZhen or Deon or whoever will like suan her. Lols. But Qin also like go overboard de la. Lol. But hor... Now ar... Not like that la. Nobody like dare to suan cher which is sooo darn boring. Even in 1C'o6 got Miss Trina to suan. Yea.
Actually, just realise what I really mean is that i want a cher who is like a friend. Not just a cher to me. Yea. Then this year.. Hmmm... Maybe Hafiza only lorr. Cuz form cher mah. Or maybe SamanthaKhoo cuz according to Sheena, she got zi high de. Then the rest cant play a fool de. Which seriosuly SUCKS! ):
But maybe liddat then my results will really improve. Yea. So, maybe its just a blessing in disguise. (:
Well, not that 3B totally sucks la. But I dont think it'll ever be as fun as 2D lor. Yea.

O yea. About the people in class hor. Thought about it. I love love love the bondness between the guys and the gals in 1C. But guess I love love love love love even more the fun-ness that the guys and the gals can have in 2D. And the bondness was super cool as guys and gals la, but as a class, hmmm...not too good lor. Lols. Then the 2D gals wun like really bond with the guys but somehow i actually feel 2D more bonded la. Lols.
And to me, 2D's bond was really put to the test by other class de people. Guessed the some of the guys failed terribly (Javier and Tingen should know bahs). But 2D bond still > 1C bond. Yea.
Most of you guys dont know this but even during the Sept. hols, i felt that 1C was better than 2D. And i wasnt the only one who felt that way la. But guess its the opposite now. (:
So, like my very 1st statement 'splits improves bonds'. Guess its really darn true la. Like who knows, i may bet even more emo after sec4 when 3B/4B splits to different schools. LOL. Yea.


Anyways, today, as you should already know, was 2D'o7's 1st ever outing. And guess it wasnt a total success but definately wasnt a failure cuz we actually bonded even more. Ironic eh. =P So, went to Pasir Ris MRT Station to wait for the rest.
And guess what I met Prison Break (KevinTan) there la. Cool. And guess he recognised me le cuz i got called up cuz of my hair. Yea. Lols.
Eat le, then went to Pasir Ris Park lo. Play PLAYGROUND!! Fun fun fun(= then there was this higher platform thing which was carpetted with fake carpet grass. Yea. But it was super cool place to hang la. So that was our territory for that day. Lols. Did many fun and super lame things in that circle of grass (and fun and dangerousness(: ). LOL. Like breakdance, 'wrestle', pump etc. Lols.
And since it was Del's bday, me, Vic, YuanZhao, Qin and MC. Did a bday song wave that failed kinda miserably. LOL. But was fun anyways. And we got a cake. Lols. And that LiHui JUST had to dirty my perfectly clean arm with the whipped cream la. xD Lols. And to think I still gave her her super belated bday pressie. How nice can I get eh? Lols. Kidding. (:
Then it rained):
Anti-climax seh. Lols. And I had to get out into the rain to 'clean' myself cuz i had slide down into sand. LOL. And I got sabo-ed. -.- lols. But what the heck luh. Dont really care bout it. Lols. Then since the rain din really die down, we ran ran ran to the bus stop la. Lols. Drenched. 落汤鸡. Hehs. Cool. And then, we were being lame at the bus stop la. Everytime a vehicle or even a person, we would like do a kalland wave as it/he/she passes by. Lols. Lame and retarded but FUN! (:
Then went to White Sands. Take neoprint twice. Pushed YuanZhao into people behind the long sheets when they editing their pics. xD Sorry YuanZhao. Lols. Take pic outside neoprint shop together with my fone. (: Gals went home, guys went arcade. Then went to eat at food court. Lols. We actually kena 敢 out of White Sands la. That Qin la. See Prepaid card kena drop onto the drapes on the 3rd floor there then keep trying to get it. Kena scolded la. Then faster zao. Lol.
See, this is why 2D so fun. Cuz we really dare to do stupid/lame/crappy/retarded/zi high things in public with everybody looking at us. Yea. ((: Lols.
Anyways, while the rest went to arcade again, me and MC go library read book and study respectively. Lols. Yea. So guai hor. (; Then go home le lorr.

End of a SUPER SUPER SUPER fun day. ((: And guess what would have happened if Javier, KaiLiang and Joseph had gone la. Lols. Fun until cannot fun le la. Hehs. xD


Anyways, guess my idea of making this blog a 'feeling blog' rather than a 'diary/journal blog' din turn out so well eh. Lols. But cuz today too many things happen le mahs. Lols. Yea. (:
In the end, i really really really miss 2D'o7 la. )': EMO.

So, this marks the beginning of another blog for this year. With a whole year in store for me, anything can happen, so i just got to prepare for whatever im going to get hit by this year and get through it and turn sadness into happiness. To expect anything to be able to finally realise that many things can turn out to be blessings in disguise that things may not always be as bad as i thought at 1st.
O yea. My resolutions. Guess I'll just use the nxt post lo. Yea.
So, until nxt time. TTFN (tata for now) (:

peace yo _\/,

bboy BY